Finding The Healer Within
A traveling podcast that seeks unconventional curanderos, guides, and teachers that help you find the healer within you, so that it is easier for you to find the right person to guide you on your healing journey. Explore your roots and grow in your indigeneity and find the healer within you.
Finding The Healer Within
#15: Trials and Triumphs on the Path to Healing
Season 1
Episode 14
Here we have Episode 14, We take another trip to Houston Aztec Massage and check out all the wonderful new things in store for you, such as her new apprentice the lovely kenya and the inner workings of Houston Aztec Massage and what sets them apart. We also discuss the wonderful work energy does out of the office. We speak about the recent events that she did with Danza Azteca Taxcayolotl for the book release of Librotraficante Tony Diaz titled Tip of the Pyramid which we highly recommend. Many Blessings and an abundance of grace and ease.