Finding The Healer Within
A traveling podcast that seeks unconventional curanderos, guides, and teachers that help you find the healer within you, so that it is easier for you to find the right person to guide you on your healing journey. Explore your roots and grow in your indigeneity and find the healer within you.
Finding The Healer Within
New Year
Hosted By: Adriana E.
Season 1
Episode 16
Hello New Year!!!!! We hope this new year finds you relaxing and enjoying the joys of Life. We just wanted to take a moment to thank all those people that made Finding the Healer Within Possible last year. As we turn to the New Year we look forward to bringing you more community events, books to learn from, our new Youtube Channel and much more. Thank you again you lovely people for being you. Keep on and be well.
Houston Aztec Massage Absolem's Midtown Mojo Manufacturers Jessica Yvette Abrego @Johnnytorres Monica Villarreal Irasema Reza Bailey @queen.jeejee Nokusece Jacob Wind Afiya A Matthews Brian K. Dow 8th Fire Solar Bizaanide'ewin Lakota Made-Llc Our Indigenous Truth