Finding The Healer Within
A traveling podcast that seeks unconventional curanderos, guides, and teachers that help you find the healer within you, so that it is easier for you to find the right person to guide you on your healing journey. Explore your roots and grow in your indigeneity and find the healer within you.
Finding The Healer Within
#23: Wellness Claridad & Houston Aztec Massage
Hosted By: Adriana E.
Season 3
Episode 1
We start 2024 with a conversation with Energy of Houston Aztec Massage and Vanessa of Wellness Claridad. We discuss
Vanessa and Energy's collaboration, they are providing a new kind of support for women before during, and after pregnancy.
We talk about advocacy in the delivery room, giving birth in a healing way, Community-oriented support creating a healing bond between mother and child and much more. If you or someone
you love wants to reconnect with their roots and bring a child into this world in a healing way connect with Wellness Claridad and Houston Aztec Massage you will not be disappointed.